Friday, October 22, 2010

I2C digital potentiometer

We need to control a valve from the BeagleBoard, which requires a 1-5V DC signal to actuate the valve from fully open to fully closed linearly.

I chose a digital potentiometer for this - the Maxim DS1803. The nice thing about this part is:
1) It's a DIP
2) It can be controlled via I2C
3) It can handle 5V across the resistor, perfect for our application.

Unfortunately this part will require a level translator, because a logic high is 0.7*Vcc = 3.5V. (We need Vcc to be 5V, since we'll be putting 5V across the resistor).

I couldn't find any DIP IC's for 1.8V <-> 5V level translation, and don't particularly want to hand solder surface mount parts, so I ordered a pre-fabbed level converter, the I2C-TRN, which uses a PCA9306 level shifter:

I found some on eBay for $13.50 in stock ready to ship.

I 've also prepared by soldered up a socket on a breadboard for the DS1803, and rebuilt the Ubuntu kernel so that the BeagleBoard should be ready to talk I2C on the expansion header pins 23 and 24.

1 comment:

  1. A digital potentiometer adjusts and trims electronic circuits similar to variable resistors, rheostats and mechanical potentiometers and hence is sometimes called digital POT, RDAC, or digipot.
